• Santa Monica Middle School Athletics

    Number of players?
    Tryout results?
    Tryouts measured?
    Practice & Game times?


    Q: What is ESports?

    A: ESports is competitive video gaming. Student athletes on the team will play Fortnite & Rocket League against other teams. They will play these games and additional games cleared by MS Sports.

    Q: When do we learn the results of tryouts?

    A: Team selection will be announced 10 school days after the last tryout date.
    Email notifications will be sent for youth who did not make the team between 5pm-7pm on announcement day.
    Email notifications will be sent for youth who made a team between 7pm-9pm on announcement day.

    Q: Are practices mandatory?

    A: Practices are optional! Student athletes' attendance at practices will impact playing time for games, and repeat actions will be discussed with the student athlete and parent/guardian. 

    Q: How are the teams configured?

    A: Example - Flag Football:

    • One team for flag football with 7th & 8th graders (team up to 12 students)
    • One team for flag football with 6th graders (team up to 12 students)
    • Each school will have a total of two teams for flag football.
    • JAMS team can be made up of JAMS & SMASH student athletes.
    • LMS team can be made up of LMS student athletes.


    Q: How many students will there be per team?

    A: Each sport will offer limited numbers:

    Flag Football - 12 students per team
    Girls Volleyball - 10 students per team
    Cross Country - 15 students per team

    Boys Basketball - 9 students per team
    Girls Basketball - 9 students per team
    E-Sports - 12 students per team

    Soccer - 16 students per team
    Volleyball - 10 students per team
    Track & Field - 15 students per team

    Q: What is SMMUSD Middle School Athletics?

    A: Middle School Athletics is an opportunity for your child to participate in a district-sponsored competitive athletic program for Santa Monica schools.

    Q: What sports will be offered?

    A: Fall Sports: Flag Football, Girls Volleyball, Cross Country
    Winter Sports: Boys Basketball, Girls Basketball, ESports
    Spring Sports: Soccer, Volleyball, Track & Field

    Q: How are tryouts measured?

    A: All middle school students, regardless of sport, will be seen by coaches of the program. Coaches look at all students under the same 8 categories:


    Q: How many practices and games per week?

    A: Each sport is scheduled to offer 2 practices and 1 game or exhibition match per week, depending on the league schedule.

    Q: How do coaches communicate?

    A: Parents are asked to download the TeamSnap mobile app.  Coaches will share updates via that platform.  Schedules and local events will be displayed on the respective team page.

    Q: Will transportation be provided?

    A: In cases where travel is necessary, practices and games are the responsibility of the parent/guardian. Carpool is an option. The coaches can provide suggestions for parents/guardians to consider.

    Q: Will you need volunteers?

    A: YES! Parents and guardians are encouraged and welcome to volunteer in various ways as the program grows. Your assistance and support is valuable.  All volunteers must be cleared through SMMUSD.

    Q: Will there be parent meetings and expectations?

    A: Parents/guardians will be invited to the team’s opening parents' meeting. This meeting will review the schedule, address student-athlete and parent/guardian behavior and expectations. Transportation and ways to volunteer will be discussed.

    Q: Will my child need a health screening?

    A: No. Health screenings are not required for Middle School Athletics.

    Q: Where will games be played?

    A: Games, meets, matches and exhibitions will be offered at various locations. Most of these sporting events should be hosted at Santa Monica schools or locations. Some events will require travel to the specified location; transportation will be the responsibility of the parent/guardian.

    Q: What are the days and times of practices and games?

    A: The sports program will have daily offerings based on the season and the number of teams. Practices run from 3:30pm-5pm. Most practices and skill development will occur Monday through Thursday, with games, meets or exhibition matches occurring on Fridays, some Thursdays as scheduled.

    Q: Where will students practice?

    A: Practice will be at JAMS or LMS. Some seasons will host joint practices. Both schools will perform at one designated school.

    Q: What do students wear to practice?

    A: Students who participate in practices should consider athletic or workout attire (which consists of shorts or workout pants, sneakers, t-shirt or dry-fit shirt). Turf trainer shoes for field activities are optional; wearing long-sleeved shirts or sweaters for cold weather is encouraged.

    Q: How can I donate to this program?

    A: We encourage families and the community to contribute to the Santa Monica Education Foundation’s Athletics Campaign. By donating to this campaign, you will be supporting both current athletic needs, as well as an athletic endowment which will ensure a permanent, sustainable fund for athletics that will live on in perpetuity.