- Santa Monica-Malibu Unif Sd
- Personnel Commission
Personnel Commission
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Personnel Commission
The Personnel Commission meets once a month at a regularly scheduled public meeting, generally at 4:30 p.m. on the 2nd Wednesday of each month in the Board Room at 1717 4th Street, Santa Monica, CA 90401
310-450-8338 phone, 310-450-0898 fax.Commissioners:
Lauren Robinson
Term expires: November 30, 2024
Mahshid Tarazi
Term expires: November 30, 2026
mtarazi@smmusd.orgPhillip Tate
Term expires: November 30, 2025
Joshua Kahn, Director of Classified Personnel 310-450-8338, ext. 70280
Julie Younan, Personnel Analyst 310-450-8338, ext. 70271
The Personnel Commission is the mainstay of the merit system (a method of personnel management designed to promote the efficiency and economy of the workforce and the good of the public by providing for the selection and retention of employees, in-service promotional opportunities, and other related matters, on the basis of merit and fitness). It is an independent body composed of three persons appointed for three-year staggered terms. Commissioners are laypersons who must be known adherents of the merit principle. The Personnel Commission is responsible for maintaining a merit system for classified employees of the school system and for fostering the advancement of a career service for such employees. The Personnel Commission is responsible for recruitment, examination and selection activities, classification of positions, salary recommendations, disciplinary and dismissal appeal hearings, and the development and administration of Merit Rules.