District Advisory Committees (DAC)
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District Advisory Committees (DAC)
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Board Policy 1220 - District Advisory Committees
Administrative Regulation 1220 - District Advisory CommitteesThe Board of Education recognizes that district advisory committees provide a valuable method whereby citizens and educators can better understand the attitudes and opinions which are held in the school-community environment.
The Board, or the Superintendent, with the Board's approval, may appoint district advisory committees to advise the Board on school problems, needs and issues from a balanced, logical, and analytic perspective, as the need arises.
It is not the intention that advisory committees become policy-making bodies or that they manage or direct staff. Committees are advisory in nature only; that is, they inform, suggest, and recommend to the Board of Education.
All meetings of committees shall be held as open meetings in compliance with the Ralph M. Brown Act, also known as the Open Meeting Act of the State of California. It is the intent of the Board of Education that each District Advisory Committee shall schedule two meetings in Malibu each school year. Board appointed Ad Hoc Advisory Committees and Oversight Committees shall establish meeting schedules that best meet the requirements of their respective charges.
District Advisory Committees shall be appointed for a specific purpose. The Board of Education will review the purposes/charges of the committees on an annual basis no later than October of each year. Annually, an Assessment/Evaluation form will be distributed to District Advisory Committees for their review and input regarding the committee charges and their yearly accomplishments. The Board seeks to be highly collaborative in determining committee charges. When a committee has fulfilled or completed its purpose/charge, it may be given a new or revised charge or it may be dissolved. The Board shall have the sole power to dissolve any of its advisory committees and shall reserve the right to exercise this power at any time during the life of any committees.
All residents and taxpayers of the district attendance area, parents of children enrolled in its schools, school employees, and experts/professionals, as stipulated in this Board Policy, shall be eligible for membership and participation, a prerequisite being solely an unselfish interest in public schools, the community and every child.
Every effort shall be made to select committee members in a manner which ensures that the committee represents a cross section of qualified people throughout the district. A balance of males and females, ethnic representation and geographic location shall be sought in the composition of each committee, except in those cases where a committee is established to address the needs of a particular segment of the school population or community. The Board shall review this balance before making final the appointments of committee members and alternates.
A staff Liaison will be assigned to each advisory committee and will serve as the district representative and as a communication link between the committee and the other district administrative staff. The Staff Liaison is not a member of the committee and may not vote.
Staff members may be appointed to advisory committees as deemed appropriate by the Board of Education. Staff may also be appointed to serve as expert advisors. An expert advisor is not a member of the committee and may not vote.
Membership recruitment will be ongoing throughout the year. Minimally, information about the District Advisory Committees will be shared with the public in August, November, and January. Applications for appointment to advisory committees may be submitted at any time during the year. Once per quarter, an item shall be placed on the Board of Education agenda listing committee vacancies.
The Superintendent is authorized to accept letters of resignation from individual committee members.
When the Board approves a request by a committee that members be authorized to provide translation services at meetings, to attend a conference, visit an educational facility, or otherwise participate in an activity which involves expense to the member in carrying out the mission of the committee, the Superintendent is authorized to reimburse the member at the same rates and under the same conditions as those provided for district employees and officers.