• Santa Monica Middle School Athletics

    About our program

    The Santa Monica-Malibu Unified School District is continuing to move forward with a competitive sports program for middle school students in Santa Monica: John Adams Middle School (JAMS), Lincoln Middle School (LMS), and SMASH.

    Student athletes try out for a spot to play and represent their Santa Monica school in a variety of sports. SMASH student athletes that try out and make a team will join JAMS (updated to align with current practices).

    The program will continue to focus on skill development. Our programs are competitive and are not recreational, with limited spots.

    Support the Middle School Sports Program

    We encourage families and the community to contribute to the Santa Monica Education Foundation’s Athletics Campaign. By donating to this campaign, you will be supporting both current athletic needs, as well as an athletic endowment which will ensure a permanent, sustainable fund for athletics that will live on in perpetuity.

    If you are interested in helping to bring much-needed staffing, equipment and supplies to our Santa Monica student athletes, please consider joining one of the Athletic Campaign committees. The Ed Foundation The Ed Foundation needs your help to bring middle school sports to our Santa Monica students and support Samohi student athletes! 

    Please reach out to Linda Greenberg for more information:
    Office: 310-396-4557
    Cell: 310-751-8809