Lincoln Middle School

  • LMS Bldg 500 Presentation Package
    Lincoln Middle School – Planned Projects
    500s Building Modernization, planned start June 2026
    New Aquatics & Locker Room Complex

    Lincoln Middle School

    LMS Facilities Update - Spring 2024
    Lincoln Middle School Master Plan (Spring 2024)

    Lincoln Middle School

    Lincoln Middle School's Future Facility Community Meeting 3/28/23

    Lincoln Meeting

    Thank you for coming out on March 28, 2023 to support Lincoln Middle School’s Future Facility Community Meeting!

    Watch Lincoln Middle School's Future Facility Community Meeting here.

    View Lincoln's Future Facility PowerPoint here.

    LMS Community Meeting
    Community members attending Lincoln’s Future Facilities Meeting on April 25, 2022

    Thank you for coming out on April 25, 2022 to support Lincoln Middle School’s Future Facility Community Meeting!

    Watch Lincoln Middle School's Future Facility Community Meeting presentation here.

    See photo slideshow from community meeting here.

    View Lincoln's Future Facility PowerPoint here.

    Modernization Updates

    The Santa Monica-Malibu Unified School District is moving forward with its extensive modernization and construction projects at Lincoln Middle School.  Check out what we’re completing:

    LMS new HVAC system

    Heating, Ventilation & Air Conditioning (HVAC) 
    Hooray! The upgrade and modernization of the new HVAC system is complete. Before modernization the classroom spaces only had heat and minimal ventilation. When temperatures rose wall fans were the only reprieve from learning loss.

    • The new HVAC system provides fresh ventilated air, more efficient heat in the winter and cooling in the summer.
    • Thermostats will allow the systems to be sustainable.
    • The new HVAC system is now in use providing students a comfortable learning space and a healthier safer environment during the pandemic

    Lincoln MS Alarm SystemUpgraded Fire Alarm Systems  
    Children spend many hours at school, so it is crucial that their educational environment is safe and prepared for emergencies. A school fire alarm system is important to ensuring everyone inside the school is able to exit safely and be accounted for during an emergency.  As part of the District's extensive modernization project a new state-of-the-art fire alarm system has been installed at Lincoln Middle School.

    • The new alarm system is voice activated.
    • System identifies the specific room in trouble.
    • The existing fire alarm systems will remain functional until the new systems are completely certified by the end of April.
    • This should reduce false alarms.

    LMS Life Skills Building

    Before and After pictures of Special Education Life Skills K building
    The building primarily houses special education students. Before modernization the classroom spaces were outdated and run down. Now, classrooms in the K building have been refreshed and renovated. Take a look:

    LMS K Building Furniture

    Furniture in K building
    Old classroom furniture has been replaced with new 21st-century furniture.

    • The new furniture supports flexibility, and allows for differing modes of learning, thus, improving student engagement.
    • New student desks have been installed throughout classrooms.

    Think Nooks

    • New rolling Haskell Think Nooks
    • Non-wax flooring throughout classrooms.

    Floor Mats

    • Walk off mats at every entrance.
    • Interior of classrooms painted

    LMS Kitchen Upgrades
    New Kitchen and Laundry Upgrades in K building
    Kitchen and laundry facilities have been upgraded to support life-skills training.

    • The kitchen offers students a hands-on learning experience in cooking which includes mathematics, science and measuring.
    • They are also learning how to clean, do dishes and organize in these spaces.
    • The laundry facility helps students learn to wash, fold, sort, and identify the size they need as well as understand concepts such as hot and cold, in and out, clean and dirty and lastly big and small.
    • The laundry facility also supports the health and hygiene within the program by allowing students to wash learning materials and physical supports they utilize daily.
    • All facilities have been modernized to meet Americans with Disabilities Act guidelines.

    LMS Kitchen

    Coming Up!
    We need your input on next steps to improve our school facilities. Lincoln Middle School would like to invite the community to attend our Future Facility Community Meeting coming this spring. Guests will tour our existing facilities, participate in discussion of educational needs, historical resources, campus plans and the next proposed projects. Your input is needed as we improve our schools to support the learning of our current and future students.  Watch for more information on the date and time for the Lincoln Middle School meeting!

    Proposed changes to LMS include collaborative spaces for student learning.

    What’s next: Planning future projects

    Proposed theater for Lincoln Middle School Architects and district staff are working to envision possible projects to improve the campus to help prepare for the ways children will learn in and help prepare students for 21st century jobs.

    In May, an online community meeting was held, during which the campus assessment, which includes proposed changes to campus, was presented.

    Based on feedback from that meeting and meetings with educators, administrators and staff, architects are fine tuning the proposals, estimating costs and proposing the order in which projects would be done. Chosen projects would be funded by bonds from Measure SMS, passed by voters in 2018.

    Another meeting will be held in September. When it’s available, you’ll be able to find the meeting schedule at the campus assessment page. You’ll also be able to learn more about the campus assessment process itself.

    Safety and security projects

    If you’re a parent, you’ve likely seen the visitor verification system now in use across the district. It helps staff know who people are and who is on campus.

    Cameras to come: We are finishing up a perimeter camera system pilot project at Samohi and will be rolling that out districtwide.

    Electronic locks on the way: Electronic locks will allow key card access to campus and rooms. It allows all doors to be locked remotely and allows easy management of room access on an as-needed basis.

    Earthquake safety valves: These valves, installed in 2019, shut off the natural gas supply to the campus in the event of a large enough seismic event. It reduces the risk of fire, one of the top post-earthquake safety risks.

    Previous improvements

    New track and field surfaces
    The replacement of the track and field surfaces, lighting and restrooms, which the school shares with the community, was completed in 2018.

    New library and classrooms
    Between 2011 and 2014, the district replaced the former Building C with a new, two-story library and classrooms building that includes a chorus room, six standard classrooms, two science labs, a shared prep room, two sets of restrooms and the gleaming front entrance on 14th Street.

    The technology in the building was also upgraded to the district's standards, including:

    • Projector and screen
    • Document camera
    • DVD player
    • Sound system with a wireless microphone. 
    • High speed internet and campus-wide Wi-Fi.

    LMS Facilities Update - Spring 2022
    LMS Classroom
    Building Futures / Futuro de los Edificios

    Building Futures Archives
    Fall 2021: English / Spanish
    Summer 2018: English
    Summer 2018: Spanish
