
  • Metro GoPass ProgramThe Santa Monica-Malibu Unified School District (SMMUSD) is pleased to announce that the District has enrolled in year four of Los Angeles Metro's GoPass program, which provides free public transit rides and Transit Assistance Program (TAP) cards to all K-12 grade students. The initiative promotes accessibility and encourages the use of public transportation.

    Year three of Metro’s GoPass program ended on June 30, 2024. Metro is requiring both new enrollees and reactivations for existing GoPass participants to re-register for year four. One eligibility code will be generated per person. Year four will run through June 30, 2025.

    For first time enrollees or replacement cards, visit your school’s front office for TAP cards and eligibility codes during normal school hours. 
    To reactivate your existing TAP card for the 2024-25 school year, please submit the form below to receive an eligibility code and instructions. 
    One form per student please: Metro GoPass 2024-25 Reactivation Form

    For more information on Metro's GoPass program, visit:

    Questions? Please email SMMUSD's Sustainability Manager Austin Toyama at

    SMMUSD Sustainability Awards:

    SMMUSD sustainability awards

  • Students testing water Through the plan development process, the District:

    • Documented baseline conditions
    • Established goals and performance indicators
    • Highlighted current initiatives and best practices
    • Identified improvement strategies
    • Evaluated project costs and funding mechanisms for each of these focus areas

    Below is the chart with the performance indicators of all of the sustainability categories within the plan. The below metrics and the 2017-2018 will be used to track, compare and report all future efforts.

    Sustainability Focus Area graph

    Santa Monica students cleaning up the beach Implementation of the plan:
    Successful implementation of the District's Sustainability Plan will require top-down leadership, the development of ongoing program management structures, the allocation of additional staffing and financial resources, a commitment to monitoring and reporting, and an effective communications strategy. Together, these elements will ensure that all parts of the plan work together and that there is adequate political and financial capital to support the foundational integration of sustainability values and practices into District operations and decision-making processes.

    Program Management Graph