
  • Developing a district-wide recycling project to minimize waste sent to landfills, save resources, help the City of Santa Monica achieve their zero waste goals by 2030, serve as an educational tool and encourage project based learning. The plan will require a continuous effort between students, faculty, and staff to ensure recycling is successful.

    During the construction process, the District strives to divert demolition waste from landfills for recycling.
    Samohi students emjoying lunch on campus

    Waste sorting & landfill diversion: Waste Warrior Program

    All Santa Monica Elementary schools have a successful waste sorting program in the cafeterias during snack and lunch.

    The six step sorting station includes:

    1. Liquid bucket to dump out remaining liquids
    2. Recycling bin
    3. Landfill bin
    4. Compost/organic bin
    5. Stacking compostable lunch trays [to avoid filling up the bin too quickly with the trays]
    6. Unopened, uneaten food is put on the donation table for recovery

    Six-step recyclling sorting charts

    John Muir/SMASH
    John Muir-SMASH students demonstrate the 6 recycling stations
    Will Rogers
    Will Rogers students recylcing
    Franklin students at the 6 recycling stations
    Pack a low-waste lunch infographic