- Facility Improvements
- John Adams Middle School
John Adams Middle School
JAMS STEM 06.07.24 to 08.29.24
John Adams Middle School – Current & Planned Projects
Library Modernization, Construction began Fall 2023
New Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) Building, planned start June 2026
Gymnasium Restroom/Shower Modernization, planned start June 2026
Campus Assessment Report
Historic Resources ReportJAMS Facilities Update - Summer 2024
Building Futures / Futuro de los Edificios
John Adams Middle School’s California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Community Meeting
Thank you for coming out on Dec. 12, 2022 to support JAMS CEQA Community Meeting!Watch JAMS CEQA community meeting presentation here.
View JAMS PowerPoint here.
Spanish PowerPoint here.
John Adams Campus Plan MND
JAMS Errata to the Final MNDJAMS Community Meeting, February 28, 2022
Thank you for coming out on Feb. 28, 2022 to support our John Adams Middle School’s (JAMS) Future Facility Community Meeting!
Watch JAMS Future Facility Community Meeting presentation here
Draft Historic Resources Reports
The Board of Education adopted the Historic Resources Policy (BP & AR 7113) at their February 9, 2021 meeting. They directed the review of the facility by historic resources consultants to determine potential historic resources. Attached are the historic resources reports prepared by the Architectural Resources Group and Historical Resources Group. These reports identify facilities that would potentially be considered eligible for listing under the National Register of Historic Places, California Register of Historical Resources, or City of Santa Monica Designated Historic Resources.
John Adams Middle School: https://bit.ly/FIPHRRJAMS
Executive Summary of Historic Resources visit: https://bit.ly/FIP22HRRSUM
The Santa Monica-Malibu Unified School District is moving forward with its extensive modernization and construction projects at JAMS. Check out what we're completing: Watch what we've done at JAMS.
Performance Arts Center is Complete
The Santa Monica-Malibu Unified School District (SMMUSD) is excited to announce the completion of JAMS new 35,000 square foot state of the art Performance Art’s Center. The original theater was closed when seismic issues were discovered in late 2014 and was demolished in 2019 in preparation for the new performing arts complex.
At the north end of campus along Pearl Street, the modern complex is a joint project of the SMMUSD and Santa Monica College. It has the following:- Seating for 750 and a stage large enough to hold an orchestra or band
- A choir room
- Backstage support facilities
- A multi-purpose rehearsal room that will be used for dance, community meetings and theater rehearsals
- An expansive courtyard
- A state-of-the-art lighting system
- A sound system capable of mimicking any acoustic environment, such as an outdoor space or a chamber-music venue
Heating, Ventilation & Air Conditioning (HVAC)
- The new HVAC systems provide fresh ventilated air, more efficient heat in the winter and cooling in the summer
- Thermostats will allow the systems to be sustainable
- The new HVAC systems are now in use providing students a comfortable learning space and a healthier safer environment during the pandemic
Fire Alarm Systems
- The new alarm system is voice activated
- System identifies the specific room in trouble
- The existing fire alarm systems at Grant will remain functional until the new systems are completely certified by the end of April
- This should reduce false alarms
Security Cameras
- Security cameras have been fully installed, programmed and staff have been trained in the operation of the security system
- Security cameras are located around the perimeter of the campus and outdoor areas
- They will support increased safety and property management
Upgraded Drinking Fountains
- Fully stainless-steel cabinet.
- Push-button activated bottle fill (no sensor activation)
- The use of individualized water bottles helps reduce water and plastic waste
Modified Bathrooms
- All tile and surfaces have been acid washed and resealed
New bell clock and Public Address System
- This system is vital for daily communications and emergency response, especially during lockdown
Summer 2020
With Your Help, We're Planning For Changes
Architects and district staff are working to envision possible projects to improve the campus to help prepare for the ways students will learn in and help prepare students for 21st century jobs.
In June, an online community meeting was held, during which the campus assessment, which includes proposed changes to campus, was presented. Based on feedback from that meeting and meetings with educators, administrators and staff, architects are fine tuning the proposals, estimating costs and proposing the order in which projects would be done. Chosen projects would be funded by bonds from Measure SMS, passed by voters in 2018.
Another meeting will be held in September. When it’s available, you’ll be able to find the meeting schedule at the campus assessment page. You’ll also be able to learn more about the campus assessment process itself.
Other campus improvements paid for by voter-approved bond funds include:Gymnasium: Installed a new gym floor, painted all surfaces, installed new volleyball poles and nets, improved boys and girls locker rooms, showers and restrooms to updated ADA compliance. Staff restrooms were also improved.
New playing fields: The playing fields, shared with the City of Santa Monica and other community organizations, saw turf surfaces removed and replaced. An environmentally-friendly cork infill material was used that is capable of reducing field temperature by 20 degrees versus standard crumb-rubber filling. Field drainage has seen constant improvements, and the area along the property line fence was paved.
Bottle-filling stations/ drinking fountains: The stations have been installed inside and outside. They encourage the use of reusable containers instead of one-and-done plastic water bottles.
Former church property: The district acquired the site at 16th and Maple and improved it to allow swing-space parking during construction of the PAC. The long-term use of the property is being planned.
New visitor-approval system: A visitor-management badge system, which rapidly verifies campus visitors improving campus safety was installed.
Earthquake valves: The district finished installing earthquake valves on natural-gas supply lines earlier this year to bolster campus safety. These valves automatically shut off if a large enough seismic event is detected, reducing the risk of fire.- The former east wing was replaced with classrooms, a parking lot and a lunch shelter.
- Most doors and windows on campus were replaced as part of our modernization efforts.
- Technology was upgraded to the district’s standards. Among the improvements was campus-wide Wifi on a faster internet connection, SMART boards, projectors and screens and sound systems where appropriate.
- 42 rooftop solar panels were installed, capable of supplying 118 kilowatts of clean power.
- Other projects improved stormwater treatment and reduced overall water use.
- The front entry and attendance office were created in 2013 to improve security and efficiency.
360° views of John Adams Middle School Construction Projects
JAMS Facilities Update - Summer 2023
Building Futures / Futuro de los EdificiosBuilding Futures Archives
Spring 2023
Fall 2021
Fall 2019
Spring 2019: English / Spanish
JAMS Performing Arts Complex
Performing Arts Complex Presentation and InformationJAMS Campus Improvements
Campus Improvements 2012-13