- Santa Monica-Malibu Unif Sd
- Malibu Unification Archive 2017-2021
Malibu Unification Archive 2017-2021
SMMUSD Presentation: Rationale for Denial of the City of Malibu Petition, Hearing November 10, 2021
Superintendent's Message: Join Us at the Upcoming County Committee Hearing on Nov. 10, 2021 to Oppose City of Malibu's Unification Petition, November 8, 2021
Mensaje del Superintendente: Acompáñenos en la próxima audiencia del Comité del Condado en oposición a la Petición de Unificación de la Ciudad de Malibú, el 10 de noviembre de 2021Oppose Malibu Petition - sign up form: https://bit.ly/OpposePetition111021
Los Angeles County Committee on School District Organization Votes to Take Additional Time to Consider the City of Malibu’s Proposal to Leave the Santa Monica-Malibu Unified School District, September 18, 2021
El Comité de Organización de Distritos Escolares del Condado de Los Ángeles vota para tener tiempo adicional para considerar la propuesta de la Ciudad de Malibú de separarse del Distrito Escolar Unificado de Santa Mónica-MalibúSuperintendent's Message: LA County Committee Report Reflects a “Dire” Financial Future for students of Santa Monica if City of Malibu’s Proposal to Split the District is Approved
https://www.smmusd.org/cms/lib/CA50000164/Centricity/Domain/1792/Drati-LACOEReport091021.pdfMensaje del Superintendente: El informe del Comité del Condado de Los Ángeles refleja un “grave” futuro financiero para los estudiantes de Santa Mónica si se aprueba la propuesta de la Ciudad de Malibú para separarse del distrito
https://www.smmusd.org/cms/lib/CA50000164/Centricity/Domain/1792/Drati-LACOEReport091021SP.pdfPreliminary report to the Los Angeles County Committee on School District Organization concerning a proposal to form the Malibu Unified School District from territory in the Santa Monica-Malibu Unified School District, prepared by the Los Angeles County Office of Education Division of Business Advisory Services, 9/2/21
Informe ejecutivo - Español: Informe preliminar al Comité del Condado de Los Ángeles sobre la Organización del Distrito Escolar sobre una propuesta para formar el Distrito Escolar Unificado de Malibú desde el territorio del Distrito Escolar Unificado de Santa Mónica-Malibú, preparado por la División de Educación de la Oficina de Educación del Condado de Los Ángeles. Servicios de asesoramiento empresarial, 9/17/21
April 27, 2021
County Committee Public Hearing on Malibu Petition for Unification, 4/17/21
April 18, 2021
Santa Monica-Malibu Unified School District Makes its Case that City of Malibu’s Petition for Unification Will Create Irreparable Damage to Children in Santa Monica and Malibu and Invites the City to Return to the Negotiating Table
April 16, 2021
SMMUSD Rejects Latest City of Malibu Unification Offer but Reaffirms its Offer to Return to the Negotiating Table with the City
Superintendent’s Message: Critical Time Regarding Malibu Unification Efforts
School Board Votes to Deny Malibu City ProposalMalibu Unification Offer Denied, 04/09/21 - English
Malibu Unification Offer Denied, 04/09/21 - Spanish
Territory separation analysis update, April 2021What You Need to Know About the City of Malibu’s Attempt to Split from the Santa Monica-Malibu Unified School District and Why All Who Support Santa Monica Students’ Futures Must Oppose It
Malibu Unification Package, 4/2021
Malibu Unification FAQ
Malibu Unification FAQ, 11/24/20
Preguntas frecuentes: Unificación de Malibu, 11/24/20SSC Review of Revue Options for District Reorganization
SMMUSD School Board Approves Framework for Malibu Unification
Fifty-year revenue-sharing plan recommended The Santa Monica-Malibu Unified School District Board of Education approved a framework for Malibu unification, with a 50-year revenue sharing plan, at a special board meeting held on March 20, 2018 in the district's boardroom in Santa Monica. After a three-hour presentation and discussion, the school board voted 6-1 to approve a unification plan that will be pursued provided that the City of Malibu withdraws or temporarily halts consideration of the petition by Los Angeles County Committee on School District Organization while additional details of this concept are worked out.
Read more about the unification plan proposal >
Lea más sobre la propuesta del plan de unificación >
MUNC Community Meetings
Negotiations Committee
Committee MeetingsCommittee's Purpose and Board of Education's Objectives
Analysis of MUNC Reports (October 2017)
Supplemental Memo Report (July 2017)MUNC Memorandum Report (February 2017)
Petition for Unification (August 2017)Board of Education Resolution In Opposition to the Unification Petition Submitted to LACOE by the Malibu City Council (December 14, 2017)