- Santa Monica-Malibu Unif Sd
- Teacher Induction
Induction Programs
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New Teacher Induction Program
Vision Statement
The SMMUSD New Teacher Induction program strives to develop and retain highly qualified teachers by cultivating reflective practices through mentorship, professional learning, and inquiry.
Our program is guided by the following core values:- Collaboration
- Equity
- Flexibility
- Growth
- Knowledge
- Meaningful work
- Reflection
- Suport
Program Overview
New Teacher Induction (formerly known as BTSA) is a statewide program aimed at guiding newly credentialed candidates beginning in their first year in the teaching profession. Induction assumes that no matter our experience and strengths, we all want to continue improving our teaching and student performance over time. The Induction program is organized around job-embedded learning experiences crafted individually by teachers working on improving their own practice and student performance. Induction uses a series of on-going inquiries and observations that provide opportunities for continual self-assessment and feedback. It is not summative, nor is it a form of external evaluation. Instead, it provides a chance for self-analysis and growth, a good habit to continue to work on throughout a teaching career. The work completed within the program will not be considered or evaluated for employment purposes.
Our program aims to support teachers in:- Knowing students in your class well
- Assessing students’ current understanding of subject matter
- Planning lessons to meet all students’ needs
- Examining student work to inform teaching practices
- Selecting and designing appropriate assessments
- Using analysis of student work to plan future teaching
- Using evidence to inform reflection and decision-making
SMMUSD Induction Program Design:
The SMMUSD Induction program is a two-year, individualized, job-embedded system of mentoring, support and professional learning. Our goal is to develop reflective practitioners through the opportunities we provide within our Induction Program. Reflective practitioners are autonomous, know how to measure their own learning, set goals and objectives, are engaged in continuous cycles of improvement and take feedback well.
The three main areas in which we do this are:
Professional Relationships: Participating candidates are matched with a highly effective teacher who serves as their Mentor for two years.
Professional Learning: Guided by a candidate's Individual Learning Plan (ILP), they embark on professional development opportunities with a focus on instructing and developing as an educator. Their growth is measured along a continuum using the California Standards for the Teaching Profession (CSTPs) as a guide.
Focus on Student Learning: Participating candidates engage in continuous cycles of inquiry to determine effective practices for meeting the diverse needs of their student population.Admittance Requirements:
Program admittance is determined during the employee’s intake meeting with the district credentials analyst. The credentials analyst will confirm the following:
- Candidate holds a Pre-liminary Multiple Subject, Single Subject or Ed. Specialist credential
- Candidate is a district certificated employee (in a position equivalent to 50% or higher)
Program Requirements (coursework and completion):
- Participate in a two-year learning journey within the program. *Experienced and/or exceptional candidates who meet the Early Completion Option (ECO) requirements, may be eligible for a one-year program.
- Attend an Induction Orientation meeting
- Attend required program delivery meetings- monthly Milestone Meetings
- Meet an average of not less than one (1) hour a week with an assigned Induction Mentor
- Design and implement an ILP within 60 days of being enrolled in the program
- Film beginning and end of program video of your teaching to analyze growth of practice over time and document in ILP
- Select and participate in professional development opportunity offerings related to the candidate's ILP. Submit three professional development reflections (one during Yr.1 and 2 during Yr. 2/ECO)
- Meet with Site Administrator and Mentor in triad meeting(s) for Administrative feedback
- Co-Assess on the Continuum of Teacher Practice based on the CSTPs with assigned Mentor
- Plan and execute 3-5 inquiry cycles during the two-year program to demonstrate growth along the teaching continuum.
- Submit "Evidence of Teacher Growth and Practice" in the form of program tools collaboratively written with the assigned Mentor
- Prepare and present "Evidence of Teacher Growth and Practice" in front of an exit interview panel composed of various stakeholders
Program Benefits for District Employees:
- District Salary Units: Each year, if you fully participate in the induction program, you can earn three (3) salary units
- One-on-one support and peer network opportunities
- Orientation to district and site priorities which are aligned with the work. The induction process is an excellent precursor to National Board Certification, which is also based on a formative assessment system.
- The emphasis on California Standards for the Teaching Profession (CSTP) prepares teachers for the principal's formal evaluation system that is currently being revised to be based on these professional standards.
- Release time/sub days provided by substitutes or mentors to allow for observations of other teachers and other professional development activities
- Receive current, research-based professional development options
- Working conditions advocacy: Induction leadership teams communicate with and meet with each site administrator several times each year to further improve each participant's working conditions. We work on creating optimal conditions, such as limiting additional duties.
- Provide reflective opportunities to build your teaching practices which will benefit you and your students.
Nondiscrimination In District Programs And Activities Policy