Spanish 5 AP: Language and Culture

  • Suggested Requirements:

    • Prerequisite: Spanish 4SS, Spanish 4P, grade C or better
    • Placement by instructor recommendation after interview and placement assessment.

    Course Description:

    This accelerated course develops creative and critical thinking skills, while studying complex thematic units as outlined by the College Board. There is a comparative cultural component as these themes are explored in twenty-one Spanish-speaking countries throughout the world. The course focuses on speaking, listening, writing, and reading in formal and informal contexts. The reading- and listening- comprehension sections feature materials that include articles from newspapers and magazines and excerpts from books, literary works, and short stories. Formal persuasive essays and oral presentations, short paragraphs responding to emails, and simulated conversations also use materials created by and for native speakers. The goal is to develop students' interpretive, interpersonal, and presentational communication skills in the Spanish language. This course may be taken in the fourth or fifth year of study and prepares students for the Advanced Placement Spanish Language and Culture examination in May.