Spanish for Spanish Speakers/Immersion Spanish

  • Spanish for Spanish Speakers 1

    Course Description

    A communicative approach to language learning is used to improve and increase students’ listening, speaking, reading, writing, and study skills. Students explore the diverse cultures and peoples of the Spanish-speaking world. Students complete several projects pertaining to Spain and Latin America. In class, Spanish is the primary language spoken by both teacher and students.

    Suggested Requirements: Immersion or Spanish spoken at home.

    Verbs Ser/Estar
    The Indicative mood
    Present Tense (Regular/Irregular)
    Preterite (Regular/Irregular)

    Presentational writing:
    Descriptive and expository essay
    (1 essay per semester)

    Reading: Short stories

    Your semester grade is comprised of the following weighted categories; homework/classwork- 10%, interpersonal communication assessments- 15%, interpretive communication assessments- 15%, presentational communication assessments- 15%, tests and quizzes- 25%, and a cumulative final exam- 20%

    Spanish for Spanish Speakers 2

    Course Description

    This course is designed for students demonstrating the interest and motivation to pursue the study of Spanish at a more accelerated pace. Designed for native Spanish Speakers and Spanish Immersion students. Students develop all modes of communication (interpretive, interpersonal, and presentational). Student learning centers on audio, visual, and written sources intended for native speakers. Students move beyond talking about themselves and their immediate community to talking about ideas and problems that affect society and the world. They develop strategies for communicating exclusively in Spanish and increase their knowledge of the Spanish-speaking world and its cultures.

    Suggested Requirements:

    • Placement by instructor recommendation after interview and placement assessment.
    • Spanish 1SS, grade C or better

    Object pronouns(direct/indirect)
    Verbs (Ser/Estar)
    The complements
    The Indicative Mood
    Present Tense (Regular/Irregular)
    Preterite (Regular/Irregular)
    Imperfect (Regular/Irregular)
    Present progressive
    Future tense (regular/Irregular) Conditional (Regular/Irregular) Reflexive verbs

    Presentational writing:
    (1 fall semester, and 2 Spring semester)
    Persuasive and Analytical essay responding to literature

    Reading: Cuando era Puertorriqueña

    Your semester grade is comprised of the following weighted categories; homework/classwork- 10%, interpersonal communication assessments- 15%, interpretive communication assessments- 15%, presentational communication assessments- 15%, tests and quizzes- 25%, and a cumulative final exam- 20%.

    Spanish for Spanish Speakers 3

    Course Description

    This course is designed for students demonstrating the interest and motivation to pursue more in-depth Spanish studies. Designed for native Spanish Speakers and Spanish Immersion students, the program proceeds at a faster pace than Spanish III and is conducted entirely in Spanish. Students practice the skills of spoken and written Spanish (interpretive, interpersonal, and presentational) using materials from Spanish television, movies, literary works, news articles, and songs by contemporary artists. Students develop and refine their command of grammar, syntax, and vocabulary. This course is recommended for students interested in enrolling in Advanced Placement Spanish Language and Culture because it provides specific tools needed for that course, such as how to interpret authentic sources and write persuasive essays in Spanish.

    Suggested Requirements:

    • Prerequisite: Spanish 2SS, grade C or better
    • Placement by instructor recommendation after interview and placement assessment.

    Review the indicative mood
    Present tense (regular and irregular)
    Preterite (regular and irregular)
    Imperfect (regular and irregular)
    Uses of the preterite and imperfect
    Future Conditional Compound tenses (present perfect y pluperfect)
    If clauses
    Commands (tú, usted, ustedes NS nosotros)
    Introduction to the subjunctive mood
    Personal "a"
    Direct and indirect object pronouns
    Participle as an adjective
    Complete sentences 6-10 words
    Complex multi-clause sentences with transitional idioms

    Presentational writing: Analytical and persuasive essay responding to literature.
    (2 in Fall semester and 3 in Spring.)

    Reading: two novels: El Principito, Crónica de una muerte anunciada

    Your semester grade is comprised of the following weighted categories; homework/classwork- 10%, interpersonal communication assessments- 15%, interpretive communication assessments- 15%, presentational communication assessments- 15%, tests and quizzes- 25%, and a cumulative final exam- 20%.

    Spanish for Spanish Speakers 4

    Suggested Requirements:

    • Prerequisite: Spanish 3SS, grade C or better
    • Placement by instructor recommendation after interview and placement assessment.

    Course Description
    This course emphasizes an interactive and communicative approach to learning the Spanish language and about Spanish cultures. Designed for native Spanish Speakers and Spanish Immersion students, this course strengthens their language skills by communicating orally and in writing with other Spanish speakers, listening to and reading Spanish texts, viewing and interpreting works of art, and presenting their ideas to an audience. A curriculum emphasizing Hispanic culture reflects issues of interest to today's high-school students, providing them with opportunities to exchange opinions, make connections to content from other courses, and compare cultural elements from different Spanish-speaking societies. The course stimulates creative, critical thinking through activities that require students to argue, persuade, analyze, and interpret other points of view. Practice of grammatical structures and vocabulary focus on communication in meaningful contexts.

    Review the Indicative mood
    Review  present perfect, pluperfect, future perfect in the indicative mood
    Subjunctive mood (noun clauses, adjective clauses and indirect commands)
    Present subjunctive
    Imperfect subjunctive
    Pluperfect subjunctive
    Indicative vs. Subjunctive moods
    Uses of por vs. para

    Presentational writing: Analytical and persuasive essay responding to literature.
    (3 essays in Fall semester and 3 essays in Spring.)

    Reading - two novels: Como agua para chocolate, Cuentos de Eva Luna