Latin 5HP

  • Course Description

    Latin 5 HP is a UC approved honors class with an emphasis on reading the AP Latin syllabus. In the first semester, students will focus on reading the first six books of the epic poem the Aeneid. In the second semester, students will focus on reading Caesar's commentaries on the Gallic Wars. Throughout the entire academic year, students will also continue to improve their conversational Latin skills. Students who take this course may choose to take the AP Latin exam.

    Suggested Prerequisite
    Minimum grade of C or better in previous semesters of Latin.

    First Semester Major Units
    1. The Aeneid Book 1
    2. The Aeneid Book 2
    3. The Aeneid Book 3
    4. The Aeneid Book 4

    Second Semester Major Units
    1. The Gallic Wars Book 1
    2. The Gallic Wars Book 2
    3. The Gallic Wars Book 3
    4. The Gallic Wars Book 4

    Major Topics
    The Age of Augustus
    Caesar's Gallic War, Books 1, 4, 5, & 6
    The Late Republic
    The Roman Civil Wars
    Conversational Latin

    Grading Scale
    90% - 100% = A
    80% - 89% = B
    70% - 79% = C
    60% - 69% = D
    0% - 59% = F

    Weighted Grading Categories chart