• Parent Teacher Student Association

    The Santa Monica High School PTSA supports parents, teachers, and students by working to increase communication and parent involvement and by raising funds to make Samohi a wonderful school for all our students.

    donate to Samohi PTSA Join Samohi PTSA

    Mission Statement

    We provide support to the Santa Monica High School community through parent involvement in school and districtwide committees and by raising funds for student welfare, scholarships, and various activities throughout the school year. One of Samohi PTSA's goals is to promote and foster better communication between home and school. To this end, we maintain this website, host monthly PTSA parent information meetings, and send a weekly email newsletter "The Samohi News".

    PTSA meetings are held monthly at 7:00 p.m. in the Cafeteria. Each meeting includes a look at an academic department or student program and an update given by our Principal. Simultaneous Spanish translation is provided, and we offer refreshments at in-person meetings. Meetings are always open; everyone is invited and encouraged to attend!

    PTSA is a national organization that promotes the welfare of all children and youth. Legislative action and lobbying is a major focus of the State and National PTA, while local organizations also provide support for individual schools and the families who attend them. PTSA is a place where your voice can be heard and your vote can be counted. Numbers matter. Class size reduction, funding for arts education, and the passage of local bond measures for facility improvements are just three examples of legislation where PTSA has played a crucial role.Your $10.00 membership fee supports PTSA work on a national and state level as well as PTSA programs at Samohi. Every PTSA works in its own community to achieve these National PTSA objectives.

    For more information, contact PTSA President Claudia Seizer.

Parent Presentations

  • All About Food & Nutrition, 09/14/21

    Food & Nutrition Video

Reflections Winners!

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    Reflections art contest 2024