- Santa Monica High
- Biology
Biology P
Course Description
Biology of the Living Earth
Biology of the Living Earth is a year long, laboratory-based college preparatory class. This class integrates Life Science, Earth and Space Science and Engineering Practices as based upon the California Science Framework and Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS). The course is divided into 6 units covering Investigation and Science Practices, Ecosystem Dynamics, Evolution of Earth and Life, Building Life, Energy and Feedback Loops, and DNA/Inheritance and Variation. Each unit is driven by an observable, natural phenomenon followed by a student centered, modeling approach.
As students investigate the Performance Expectations (PEs) within the unit, they uncover Disciplinary Core Ideas (DCIs) from Life Science, Earth and Space Science, and Engineering. Using Science and Engineering Practices (SEPs) and Crosscutting Concepts (CCCs), students will build upon their knowledge and develop models to explain the phenomenon as presented.
Biology of the Living Earth satisfies the A-G and District graduation requirements for laboratory science.