- Santa Monica High
- Spanish
Spanish 3
Course Description
Students will advance their oral and written communication skills in Spanish from strings of sentences to paragraphs of both simple and complex sentences and some strings of paragraphs with emphasis on vocabulary acquisition and broadening their repertoire of grammatical structures with which to express themselves. Students will participate in oral presentations, class discussions, and write original compositions. At level three, students will be introduced to Hispanic literature and authentic texts in the form of short stories and articles. Students are encouraged to do original thinking and to contribute to classroom discussions. This class is taught 80% to 90% in the target language. The following are some of the many concepts of which students should have mastery entering into level three as well as the new concepts and topics we will explore throughout the year.
Suggested Prerequisite concepts:- Minimum grade of C or better in Spanish level 2
- Agreement of nouns and adjectives
- Present tense forms of regular and irregular –ar, -er, and –ir verbs
- The present progressive (yo estoy hablando…)
- Affirmative tú commands
- The preterite tense forms of regular and irregular –ar, -er, and –ir verbs
- Affirmative and negative words
- Reflexive verbs, reciprocal actions
- Imperfect tense forms and irregulars
- Uses of preterite and imperfect tenses
- Direct and indirect object pronouns
- Vocabulary and grammar through chapter 8A of Realidades 1 and through chapter 5B of Realidades 2
First Semester's Learning Topics:
- Present, Preterite and Imperfect tenses regular and irregular verbs ( presented as review)
- Uses of Preterite and Imperfect tenses ( presented as review)
- Preterite tense of stem-changing verbs
- New use of reflexive verbs
- More verbs with the gustar construction
- Present perfect tense forms and irregulars
- Negative commands and irregulars
- Vocbulary about sports and other competitions, movies, entertainment, cooking and the kitchen.
Second Semester's Learning Topics:
- Affirmative and negative formal and plural commands and irregulars
- Present tense subjunctive forms, use, and irregulars
- Future tense forms and irregulars
- Vocbulary iabout airport travel, vacations, professions, and the environment.
Your semester grade is comprised of the following weighted categories; homework/classwork- 10%, interpersonal communication assessments- 15%, interpretive communication assessments- 15%, presentational communication assessments- 15%, tests and quizzes- 25%, and a cumulative final exam- 20%.