- Santa Monica High
- Japanese
Japanese 1P
Course Website: https://sites.google.com/site/mrsnesbittsjapanese1/
Course DescriptionStudents who successfully complete this course will develop their Japanese proficiencies to the Novice Mid range according to the ACTFL* Proficiency Guidelines. Students will also show proficiency in the "five C's" denoted in ACTFL's Standards for Foreign Language Learning in the 21st Century: Communication, Cultures, Connections, Comparisons, and Communities. By the end of Japanese 1, students will show complete proficiency in the hiragana syllabary and developing proficiency in the katakana syllabary. Students will also show proficiency in reading/writing/pronouncing approximately 100 kanji characters. They will be able to speak, read, and write short sentences about a variety of familiar topics.
*American Council on the Teaching of Foreign LanguagesMode of Communication, Novice Mid
Interpersonal Communication:
I can communicate using a number of isolated words and memorized phrases about familiar contexts.
Presentational Speaking:
I can present using isolated words and memorized phrases limited by the particular context in which the language has been learned.
Presentational Writing:
I can reproduce from memory a modest number of words and phrases in context. I can supply limited information on simple forms and documents, and other basic biographical information, such as names, numbers, and nationality. I can write well about practiced, familiar topics using limited formulaic language.
Interpretive Listening:
I can recognize familiar practiced words and phrases, usually one phrase at a time, and repetition may be required.
Interpretive Reading:
I can recognize hiragana, most katakana, and a limited number of kanji characters. I can identify a number of highly contextualized words and phrases. Rereading is often required.
Major Units
Each unit includes cultural elements relevant to the unit.
Semester 1:
1. Nice to Meet You (greetings, introductions, classroom expressions)
2. My Daily Life (calendars, time, school and daily activities)
3. Friends & Family (Family trees, likes/dislikes, descriptive adjectives)
4. Happy New Year (Japanese New Year’s traditions)
Semester 2:
5. Out & About (shopping, dining out, money and foods)
6. Body Care (body parts, exercise, illness and medical care)
7. Home Sweet Home (Japanese vs. Western style homes, chores/cleaning)
8. My Neighbor Totoro (towns/maps, geography, Japanese daily life/customs)Major Grammar Concepts for the Year
- Hiragana and Katakana syllabaries
_________and variations of this basic structure (affirmative/negative, non-past and past) - 3 major verb classes (classifying and conjugating verbs)
- Verb conjugations __form, past/non-past tenses, affirmative/negative
- In-group and out-group vocabulary and forms (basic honorifics)
- Adjectives ______ ending adjectives (past/non-past; affirmative/negative)
Approximately 100 kanji from the AP Kanji list
Grading categories and percentage breakdowns for the course are as follows: Interpersonal 2-way Communication such as conversations and text chats (15%), Presentational 1-way Output such as speeches and writing (15%), Interpretive 1-way Input such as listening and reading (15%), Tests and Quizzes (25%), Final Exam (20%), Homework / Classwork (10%). - Hiragana and Katakana syllabaries