Latin 2

  • Course Description

    Latin 2 is a continuation of the study of Latin and the cultures that have used it through the centuries. Latin has been the STEM language of Western culture for two millennia. Learning Latin empowers students to unlock the vast treasure of knowledge and wisdom upon which our rational and progressive governmental, legal, societal, and scientific systems are based. Students improve their vocabulary and syntax in order to ask and respond to questions and to express themselves in Latin sentences and paragraphs. Reading comprehension will be particularly emphasized, as the ultimate goal of the study of Latin is to interpret authentic texts from antiquity, the Middle Ages, and the Renaissance.

    Suggested Pre-requisite concepts:

    • Agreement of nouns and adjectives
    • Present tense forms of regular 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th conjugation verbs
    • Imperfect verb tense forms
    • Perfect verb tense forms
    • Uses of perfect and imperfect tenses
    • Direct and indirect object pronouns
    • Vocabulary and grammar through Stage 14 of Cambridge Latin Course
    • Vocabulary related to family, friends, pets, clothing, foods, and school

    This Year's Learning Topics:

    • Future tense of verbs
    • Irregular and impersonal verbs
    • Noun case system: forms and functions of the Nominative, Genitive, Dative, Accusative,
    • Ablative, and Vocative cases
    • Comparison of Adjectives and Adverbs
    • Affirmative and negative commands
    • Noun genders: masculine, feminine, and neuter
    • Demonstrative pronouns: hic, ille, iste, is
    • Relative pronoun: qui
    • Vocabulary about leisure activities, travel, health and medical care, technology, jobs and professions, climate, weather, and natural habitats.

    Grading System
    90% - 100% = A
    80% - 89% = B
    70% - 79% = C
    60% - 69% = D
    0% - 59% = F

    Weighted Grading Categories

    Interpersonal Communication (two-way spoken and written communication): 15%
    Presentational Communication (one-way spoken and written communication): 15%
    Interpretative Communication (listening and reading): 15%
    Tests & Quizzes: 25%
    Homework: 10%
    Final Exam 20%