Discipline and Counseling Procedures

  • __ For governing use, possession, or being under the influence of a controlled substances:
    __ The student shall be suspended for a maximum of five days. (Enrollment at Saturday School cannot be used in lieu of suspension).
    __ The Santa Monica Police Department or the Los Angeles County Sheriff shall be notified.
    __ The Principal shall inform the Superintendent/designee of the incident and actions taken.
    __ The principal shall recommend that the student be expelled from school, unless the principal finds, and so reports to the Superintendent/designee in writing, that expulsion is inappropriate under the particular circumstances of the case.
    __ Students in Grades 1-12 shall be transferred to another school within Santa Monica-Malibu Unified School District or an interdistrict permit placement may be negotiated, if possible.
    __ Completion of the twenty-for (24) counseling sessions twelve (12) individual/twelve (12) in a group session.

    Discipline Referrals

    A Discipline Referral is completed by a faculty member when a student violates a class or school rule. Sample offenses include profanity/vulgarity, disrupting class, and defiance (refusing to do what a teacher or any school staff person asks). School staff persons have disciplinary authority anywhere on campus and at all school events. Serious violations of the Education Code such as fighting, smoking, and use or possession of alcohol, drugs or weapons will result in a student being referred for suspension or expulsion.