Homework Policies

  • Homework Assignments

    Homework is assigned on a regular basis to help students become more self-reliant, learn to work independently, improve skills, master concepts, and complete assigned projects. Appropriate weekend homework may also be given. The daily amount of time required for homework will vary depending on the maturity, abilities, and individual needs of students as well as the requirements of the course.

    Homework is assigned at least 4 nights a week. By doing their homework, students will:

    • become more self-reliant
    • learn to work independently
    • improve the skills taught in the classroom
    • master concepts
    • learn to complete assigned projects on time

    Assignments are generally designed so that the typical student can complete the homework in approx. the following time periods: Additionally, every student is expected to read 30 minutes each night.

    Grade 6: 1 hour or 15-20 min. per class
    Grade 7: 1 1/2 hours or 20-30 min. per class
    Grade 8: 2 hours or 30-40 min. per class

    Obtain Homework Assignments When Absent

    Completing homework and class work assignments is mandatory, even when students are absent from school. Recommended methods for obtaining homework include the following:

    1. Use the Homework Website to access assignments.
    2. For an absence that will last more than 3 days, call the Attendance Office by 9:00am on the first morning of the absence. Assignments can be picked up after 3:30pm that day. When calling, please give the clerk the student's name, grade level, and anticipated dates of the absence.
    3. Use your Study Buddies*

    *During the first 2 weeks of class, find a reliable friend in each class. If possible, exchange phone numbers with at least 2 students in each class who you call your "study buddy."