Social Studies

  • 7th Grade Course of Study

    5 Themes: location, place, region, human-environment interaction, movement Geographic Regions of the World: Major land forms and major bodies of water.

    Civilizations of the World
    World Cultures: Islam, Sub-Saharan Africa, Asian Civilizations, Medieval Societies, The Americas
    Cultural Concepts: Development of an empire, Belief systems, Political Systems, Traditions and customes, Achievements and contributions.

    8th Grade Course of Study

    In 8th Grade, students study the history of the United States from approximately 1600 until 1900. Our curriculum focuses on the changing nature of America, from its beginning as a colony of a wealthy nation to its rise as an industrial power. Throughout the year, students will produce a wide variety of work including research reports, analytical essays, creative writing, illustrations and oral reports. Students will produce a wide variety of work including research reports, analytical essays, creative writing, illustrations and oral reports.