- Santa Monica High
- Financial Aid Weblinks
Financial Aid Weblinks
General Federal Aid Information: www.studentaid.gov
Federal Student Aid (FAFSA): www.fafsa.ed.gov
Free Scholarship Searches
www.fastweb.com www.bigfuture.collegeboard.org/scholarship-search
Scholarships Regardless of Immigration Status
Cal Grant
Samohi processes Cal Grants through online submission. Different levels of financial aid depending on student's GPA and a family's financial status. GPAs are submitted electronically by the College Center in late January or early February.
FSAID Website: http://www.studentaid.gov/fsaid
Saving for College
College Savings: http://www.collegesavings.org/
Think College Early: http://www.ed.gov/students/prep/college/thinkcollege/early/edlite-index.html
Saving for College: http://www.savingforcollege.com/
Financial Aid 101
What is financial aid? Click here for more information: