- Malibu High
- Counseling Programs
High School Counseling Programs
The high school program's primary goals are to support students academically, socially, and emotionally. Special consideration is focused on getting to know students individually in order to better navigate their high school experience.
Freshman Seminar
All 9th-graders take Freshman Seminar, which is an interdisciplinary, yearlong course that blends the health curriculum with exposure to social and ethical issues while also developing students’ writing skills. As part of the health curriculum, students study mental health issues such as mental disorders, brain function, and genetic vs. environmental influences. Students first learn about the specific health topic, and then research, discuss and articulate opinions about an ethical concern dealing with that topic. This promotes social and ethical thinking and reasoning along with writing skills.
Lunch with your Counselor
All 9th graders are invited in small groups to have lunch with their counselors in the first month of school. The purpose of this meet and greet experience is primarily to make Freshman aware of the support role counselors play in their school lives. In addition academic tips, habits for success, and providing a forum where students can speak about their experiences thus far in high school are included.
Personal Counseling
In addition to school counselors, Malibu High School has a bilingual therapist and school psychologist on staff to meet with students who are in need of more support. MHS is also in partnership with Family Services of Santa Monica, offering one-on-one counseling services from a licensed MFT. Referrals are made through the school counselors. If necessary, some students may be referred to private therapists in the community.
College Counseling
The high school and college counselor work in collaboration to provide college and career counseling to all Malibu High School students. Students now have access to Naviance Family Connection, a web-based college planning tool. Please visit the College and Career Center website for more information and to learn about upcoming events.
Career Guidance
The college and ROP counselors visit high school classes to conduct career guidance lessons. Students take interest and personality inventories using Naviance Family Connection. Counselors then help students understand their results and apply these results in post-secondary planning.
Coffee with the Counselors
Coffee with the Counselors is a monthly casual question and answer session for parents. It was created to provide a casual environment for parents and counselors to get together and engage in discussions related to what our students are going through. There is never an agenda, and coffee and light pastries are always served.
Testing information for 10/24/24
The Preliminary SAT is a standardized test that provides firsthand practice for the SAT®. It also offers students a chance to enter NMSQT scholarship programs and gain access to college and career planning tools. The PSAT measures critical reading, math problem-solving, and writing skills. By taking this test, students can receive feedback on academic strengths and weaknesses on skills necessary for college study, as well as become familiar with the kinds of questions and the exact directions presented on the SAT. The PSAT is given to all 10th and 11th graders in the month of October at MHS. For more information, please go to www.collegeboard.com