- Malibu High
- Summer School & Get Ahead
Summer Programs
Summer School and Get Ahead
MHS Summer School Opportunities
General Information/Schedule Summer 2024:
Credit Recovery and Get Ahead Geometry summer school will be held on campus from June 24 to July 26, 2024, 8:30 a.m. - 12:45 p.m. No classes on Thursday, July 4, 2024, in observance of Independence Day.
The credit recovery and get ahead geometry course will run Monday through Friday, with classes scheduled from 8:30 a.m. to 12:45 p.m. each day. Attendance for all days of summer school is mandatory. Due to the fast pace of summer classes, attendance is critical to a student's success. Students who miss 3 days of class will be dropped from summer school. Please fill out the appropriate form below to confirm your attendance at our summer school. You will be contacted closer to the program start with more information.
- Credit Recovery
Credit Recovery is designed for students who need additional learning opportunities to fulfill graduation requirements. Students who have been identified for this program have been notified by their school counselor. Only core, required courses are offered during credit recovery and students may only take up to 2 semesters during summer school. Students who have received an F on any required course during the school year are highly encouraged to participate in credit recovery to stay on track for high school graduation. Students may not participate in credit recovery if they have earned a grade of C or higher. The grade earned on the summer school course will be reflected on the student’s transcript.
To sign up for MHS credit recovery, please complete the application linked below.
Link to Summer School Application: https://forms.gle/DZPidisnjVrUrTt48
- “Get Ahead” Summer School
Malibu high School offers “Get ahead Geometry” for rising 9th and 10th grade students.
Get Ahead Geometry is a full year of Geometry taught in an accelerated format. It is designed to support the various math pathways offered at SMMUSD. Students who have excelled in 8th or 9th grade Algebra I, and who wish to progress through the highest levels of math offered at MHS, should apply for the course. Prerequisite - completion of Algebra. Earned a “C” or higher for both semesters.
Link to Get ahead Geometry Application: https://forms.gle/StuwUxxuGPDWQQsc6
- Santa Monica College High School Concurrent Enrollment
SMMUSD has a partnership with Santa Monica College to provide students with the opportunity to enroll in college courses that meet the learning outcomes outlined by the standards set out by the California Department of Education for the respective content area / course. Students can find information on how to register and enroll for SMC concurrent enrollment classes through the link below. SMC summer concurrent enrollment courses are offered both on SMC’s campus and online, NOT at MHS. All SMC classes are FREE to high school students. Please keep in mind that these classes are college level and will be more rigorous than high school coursework. All courses MUST BE APPROVED IN ADVANCE by your high school counselor before submitting a commitment to SMC. Students must have their counselor sign the HS concurrent Enrollment paperwork before the last day of school. It is the student’s responsibility to keep up with SMC’s application and scheduling deadlines.
The grades earned at SMC will be awarded to the student's high school transcript as college credit. It is the student’s responsibility to provide a copy of the SMC transcript to their counselor if they would like the SMC course to be reflected on their MHS transcript.
The next SMC Summer Experience begins June 17, 2024. Enrollment begins May 9. SMC’s priority deadline to apply is March 25 to April 30. Please note SMC’s dates and deadlines. If you are interested in taking SMC classes, please see link below for more information or speak to your high school counselor. https://www.smc.edu/admission-aid/apply/high-school-students/summer-experience-at-smc.php
- Credit Recovery