Academic Distinctions

  • Student of the Month
    Each month, Malibu High School honors students from each grade level for hard work and dedication to the school and the community. Selected by their teachers, these students exhibit outstanding work habits, citizenship, and a positive attitude. Students of the Month receive a certificate, a small token of appreciation and get their picture taken with our Principal, Mr. Miller.

    California Scholarship Federation (CSF)
    The California Scholarship Federation (known as CSF) is a state-wide academic honors organization whose purpose is to recognize students who have demonstrated outstanding academic achievement. In order to become a member, the student must apply during Fall and Spring CSF Drives. Membership dues are $5. Spring membership is required to attend a fieldtrip and awards breakfast!

    *Seniors who have been members for at least four out of their last six semesters, with at least one semester based on grades earned as a senior, qualify as CSF Gold Seal Bearers. Gold Seal Bearers get an insignia on their diploma and a gold cord to wear at graduation.*


    Students earn membership in CSF if they apply and have earned 10 (ten) CSF points. Points are earned on grades from the previous semester according to the following scale.

    A = 3 CSF points*
    B = 1 CSF point*
    C = 0 CSF points
    D or F in any course, even if not counted for CSF, disqualifies the student from membership

    *1 extra point for an A or a B in an AP, IB, or Honors-designated course, not to exceed two such points per semester

    • 4 (Four) of the 10 (ten) points must come from List I courses.
    • 7 (Seven) of the 10 (ten) points (including the four List I points) must come from List I and II courses. Of course, all seven points may come from List I.
    • The last 3 (three) points may come from any list.
    • Only 5 (five) courses (or 25 credits) may be used to earn the 10 (ten) points.
    • Keep in mind that courses such as P.E., teacher assistant, office aide, or repeated courses do not earn any CSF points.

    CA State Seal of Biliteracy 

    The California State Seal of Biliteracy (SSB), marked by a gold seal on the diploma or transcript, recognizes high school graduates who have attained a high level of proficiency in speaking, reading, and writing in one or more languages in addition to English. Eligible seniors must apply during their senior year. Requirements are set by the state of CA. Students may be eligible if they meet English and Second language proficiency.

    1. English Proficiency Demonstrated by ONE of the following:
      • Completing all English language arts (ELA) graduation requirements with a 3.0 grade point average (GPA) or above.
      • Passing the ELA California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP) at the "standard met" level or above.
      • Passing an English Advanced Placement (AP) exam with a three or above
      • Passing an International Baccalaureate (IB) exam with a four or above.
      • Passing the Evidence Based Reading and Writing section of the SAT with a 480 or above.

    Note: If student is currently designated as an English Learner they must demonstrate oral proficiency in English by obtaining an oral language composite score of level 4 on the English Language Proficiency Assessments for California (ELPAC)

    1. Second Language Proficiency demonstrated by ONE of the following:
      • Completing a four year high school course of study in the language with a 3.0 GPA or above. AND Demonstrating oral proficiency in the language comparable to what is required to pass the oral portion of an AP or IB exam.
      • Passing world language AP exam with a three or above
      • Passing an International Baccalaureate (IB) exam with a four or above.
      • Passing an ACTFL Writing Proficiency Test (WPT) and Oral Proficency Interview (OPI) with scores of intermediate mid or higher.
      • Or passing a locally approved assessment that meets the rigor of an AP exam and tests all modalities of communication in the language.

    Please contact your counselor if you have any questions. The application for SSB is updated yearly and available on the senior google classroom page. More information about the CA SSB is here: