SMC Programs for SAMOHI Students

  • “We want to ensure that we bring even more SMMUSD students into the higher education pipeline,” said Rob Rader, Chair of the SMC Board of Trustees. “We also want to enhance the work we have already begun to address what is a priority to both our institutions – increased access and success for all our students, especially historically underrepresented students.”

    In 2007, the two districts signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) and partnered in executing the objectives. The Young Collegians program was born out of this collaborative, allowing an increasing number of SMMUSD students at Santa Monica High School (SAMOHI) to get a head start on SMC classes and accrue up to 14 college units.

    In early 2015, the SMC Board of Trustees also waived enrollment fees for high school students, and those who qualify now take classes at SMC for free. During the fall of 2015, SMC also began offering media and computer science classes at SAMOHI under the LA HI-TECH grant to bring interested high school students into a higher education pathway at SMC that will lead to tech jobs.

    SMC also began the Early Start Pathway (ESP) to develop a career pipeline in early care and education that meets the current and future ECE workforce needs. This pipeline will help provide a clear pathway to a BA in ECE.

    “We are thrilled to have a collaborative partnership with SMC, which benefits all students in our community,” said Laurie Lieberman, President of the SMMUSD Board of Education. “SMMUSD students are fortunate to have such a wonderful institution of higher learning close by to attend concurrently and after graduation.”

    “Our partnership will be an example for all California districts in sharing resources, data and personnel for the benefit of students,” added Rader.

    Students interested in attending Santa Monica College can meet with representative Estela Ruezga.
    Estela Ruezga -

    SMC Dual Enrollment Course List

    Dual Enrollment Consent Form

    SMC Enrollment Packet

    Step-by-step instructions for applying to SMC and the High School Concurrent enrollment process.

    SMC Application Instructions:

    1. Student will need to apply to SMC.
    2. Once they have their ID number they will have to login to Corsair Connect to activate their account and create a new password.
    3. After they have activated their account, they will be able to access the concurrent enrollment form and fill it out. If they have not activated their account on Corsair Connect they will not have access to the concurrent enrollment form.
    4. Submit the form with the email addresses of their parent and Advisor. Must add House Principal for any summer classes ONLY
    5. Wait for approval
    6. Add the class via Corsair Connect