McKinley Safety Guidelines and Emergency Information

  • SMMUSD Visitor Policy
    Procedures when entering/exiting campus:

    1. Enter via the main office.
    2. Office staff will ask the reason for the visit. Visitors must have a previously arranged, and administrator/designee approved reason, for being on campus. Surprise/drop-in attempts to volunteer or visit classrooms are not permitted. The office will call the teacher to notify them of the visitor’s arrival and confirm the visit/volunteering.
    3. The office will ask the visitor for their driver’s license (or other government issued identification), and the Raptor computer system will scan the ID. A sticker badge will be printed showing the ID picture, the date, time, school name, and campus location of the visit.
    4. Visitors will place the sticker badge on their body in a visible location. Students have been taught to let a teacher know if they see someone without a badge.  If adults see someone without a badge (all staff wear a badge as well) they should immediately inform the office.  Badges must be worn at all times during a visit.
    5. The office will buzz in the visitor.
    6. Visitors must go directly to the volunteer classroom/location, and upon finishing, return directly to the office. Visitors are not permitted to go to other locations on campus if it has not been previously arranged.
    7. When leaving campus the sticker badge may be returned to the office and the office staff will sign the visitor out via the Raptor system. Exit campus through the main office. It is important to check out with the office staff so the office is aware of all individuals on campus in the case of an emergency.
    • Even if the office knows the parent or visitor, all individuals visiting or volunteering must follow these procedures for the safety of the campus.
    • When volunteering first thing in the morning, please drop your child off at the gate and then go to the office to follow these procedures. Do not go straight to the classroom; volunteers need to sign in and get a sticker badge.
    • Raptor badge system for campus safety so that we know who, when, where, and why everyone is on campus. The registered sex offender database is the only official database checked by the Raptor system, and in the event of a match, Raptor notifies designated school officials.  No other data from the ID is gathered and no data will be shared with any outside company or organization. For large schoolwide events, and events open to the public, a paper check-in system may be used if the Raptor system creates an excessive delay. 

    Volunteering: Parents must attend a Volunteer Orientation and complete the required Volunteer Application to be permitted to volunteer. The Volunteer Application is downloadable from the school website and may be turned in to the office. Applications are approved by the nurse and administration, and cleared applications are valid for 4 years. 

    Observations: All observations must be scheduled with administration in advance, and are 20 minutes unless approved by the administration for longer.

    Thank you for your assistance in helping to keep our campus safe.

    Emergency Drills and Preparedness

    We have regular emergency drills so students and staff know what to do in the case of an emergency. We have 1 fire drill a month, 3 earthquake drills a year, and 2 shelter-in- place/lockdown drills a year. 

    The Fire Alarm system has been updated, and has bells, lights, and verbal directions. The updated PA system also has emergency bells and communications available for use. All gates are locked during the instructional day, and visitors/volunteers enter via the front office and are checked in (see directions above). 

    At the start of each year students view a Powerpoint to learn more about emergency drills. Student Presentation About Emergency Procedures

    All staff have been trained in emergency procedures and know what to do in the case of an emergency.

    A Lockdown is when there is an unsafe threat on campus, so we immediately get inside, hide, and stay quiet.  A Shelter-in-Place is when the threat is outside of the campus, so we stay inside but talking and instruction can continue.

    The lockdown/shelter-in-place drills are relatively short, and our focus at the elementary school level is on teaching students how to follow teacher directions and how to transition into a room quickly and calmly. 

    Below is a description of discussion points that teachers use to discuss shelter-in-place/lockdown drills that parents can also use at home. 

    On and Off Campus pick-up procedure maps, and emergency procedure information, are available on our school website on this page. 

    Lockdown Discussion points

    Preschool – Early Elementary

    1. Teachers are here to protect you and keep you safe from people who might want to hurt other people.

    2. The need to hide out in the classroom and be very quiet is sometimes required to be safe. 

    3. Leaving the room or play yard very quickly may be necessary to be safe.

    4. Following the Teacher’s directions is very important to keep us all safe.

    Upper Elementary

    1. Teachers are here to protect you and keep you safe from people who might want to hurt other people at school.

    2. The need to hide in the classroom and be very quiet is sometimes required to be safe from those who want to hurt others.  Hiding is to keep intruders out and to not let them know that anyone is inside. To hide we close/lock doors and windows, close blinds, turn off lights, move to where we cannot be seen, and are very quiet.

    3. Leaving the room or yard very quickly may be necessary to be get away from someone unsafe. The teacher will give you instructions if this is necessary.

    4. Following the Teacher’s directions is very important to keep us all safe when hiding or escaping from an unsafe person.

    Emergency Supplies

    There is a red emergency backpack in every room on campus, that contains emergency items like first aid kits, walkie talkies, and emergency documents. We also have a large emergency bin on the yard full of emergency supplies including food, water, search and rescue supplies and more.

    Comprehensive School Safety Plan (CSSP)

    The general SMMUSD CSSP info is available on the website under the "About Us" tab and "School Safety Plan" tab.  The full McKinley CSSP is available for viewing the office.  The CSSP is reviewed and adopted annually, and as needed, by the SSC. 

    Emergency Pickup Procedures Maps

    On-Campus Pick-Up Procedures in the Case of Emergency

    Off-Campus Pick Up Procedures in the Case of Emergency

    In the case of an emergency we will blast information via voice, email, and/or push notification. 

    A push notification (alert) to the home screen of your cell phone will only occur if you have downloaded the free SMMUSD app to your iphone or android.  You can download this app from the app store on your phone.

    It is also important that when you receive communication blasts labeled from “McKinley Elementary,” you do not click the “unsubscribe” link.  If you click this, you will not receive important emergency notifications.  We try to send general information blasts out sparingly; information is communicated every Saturday in the Mini Messenger. 

    Please also follow us on twitter @McKinleyLions and @SMMUSD for real time information. Twitter updates are also viewable at our McKinley website and SMMUSD website.

    You can also sign up for texts, emails, and/or phone calls from the City of Santa Monica regarding natural disasters, police activity, and other emergency information at

    It is important that you provide an updated Emergency Card every year, since we use the information on this card to contact you in the case of an emergency.  This card also lets us know who we can release your child to in an emergency pick-up situation.

    McKinley Code of Conduct and Civility Policy

    McKinley maintains a positive school climate that is a safe space conducive to learning. Disruptions and behavior that violate the school's Code of Conduct, Civility Policy, Board Policies, and Ed Code are not permitted. 

    SMMUSD and McKinley Code of Conduct

    McKinley Civility Policy