- Santa Monica High
- SAT Guide
SAT Guide
The SAT will be given to all 11th grade classes on April 9, 2024. The SAT will be administered digitally. All students will need to bring their Chromebooks. Students need to check in to their assigned classroom by 8:30 a.m. No one will be admitted to a room once testing has begun. If a student arrives late, they will be directed to the late room, if time permits.
This week, students completed the Digital Readiness Check in their English class. Students were provided their log in info to Bluebook, and the in-app practice tests. Students have access to full-length practice tests. There is no limit on the number of times a student can take any practice test.
During testing time, students should not use any prohibited devices. Students will be asked to turn off cell phones and put them away in a bag or backpack. If an emergency arises, please contact your House Assistant to contact your student during testing time.
IMPORTANT MESSAGE: The College Board has strict guidelines regarding the use of prohibited devices DURING testing time. If a student is using any of the prohibited items during testing time regardless of location (on the way to the restroom), their scores will be canceled. The following materials are prohibited: cell phones must be turned off and put away in a bag or backpack, airPods, headphones, alarm watches, protractors, compasses, rulers, stencils, dictionaries (including those used to translate English to another language) or other books, pamphlets, papers of any kind, highlighters, colored pens or pencils, or listening, recording, copying, or photographic devices, and other aids.
You may bring bottled water only, and light snacks. You will be directed to remove them from your backpack and placed underneath your desk.
Your English teacher will announce and post your testing room location to your Google Classroom. Students will test with their English class, but in a different room. If you were approved for testing accommodations by College Board, your testing room location will be emailed to your smmk12 account by Friday, 3/22/24.
Students need to bring…..
- Their Chromebook - fully charged.
- Students must have a photo ID to take the PSAT exam - Student id or California ID
- You may bring a calculator (-a quiet type; no beeping, talking or other noises). See allowed calculators link.
- It is recommended you bring two sharpened #2 pencils. You will be provided scratch paper.
ATTENDANCE: Students are required to attend school, even if they opt out of testing. Attendance will be taken. If a student has opted out of testing, the student will be assigned a room, and will sign in by 8:30 a.m. Students who take the test will be excused from Periods AM through 3rd.
Below are some resources from the College Board:
Student Guide: https://satsuite.collegeboard.org/media/pdf/sat-student-guide.pdf
Practice Test: https://satsuite.collegeboard.org/media/pdf/sat-practice-quick-start-guide.pdf
Parent FAQ: https://satsuite.collegeboard.org/sat-suite-benefits-students-parents/faq/sat
Parent Guide: https://satsuite.collegeboard.org/media/pdf/a-parents-guide-getting-your-teen-ready-for-the-sat.pdf
Parent Guide (Spanish) https://satsuite.collegeboard.org/media/pdf/why-should-i-practice-sat-spanish.pdf
Calculator Policy: https://satsuite.collegeboard.org/sat/what-to-bring-do/calculator-policyIf you have any questions, please contact, Lissette Bravo, M House Principal at lbravo@smmsud.org or 310-395-3204 ext 71854.