Dual-Immersion Language Academy

  • Spanish 5 AP Must Read:
    El alquimista - more info (also at SM Public Library)
    Every student must also rean one free choice book.

    The Immersion program at Santa Monica High School is a continuation of the dual language program that begins at the Edison Language Academy. The high school program varies from the elementary model in that it functions within the larger, regular Samohi educational program. Our students add an extra class in order to accommodate the Spanish language component.

    El Programa de Inmersión de Santa Monica es una continuación de la Academia de idiomas de la escuela Edison. Nuestro programa de inmersión se destingue en el de Edison en que funciona dentro del programa general de Samohi, y los estudiantes toman una clase más al día para acomodar la enseñanza en español.


    Major Goals of Dual-Language Education

    > High levels of bilingual proficiency
    > Biliteracy--read and write at grade level in both languages
    > Content area (mathematics, social studies) achievement at or above grade level
    > Multicultural competencies

    Four critical components of dual language programs

    > The program essentially involves instruction through two languages, where the target language is used for a significant portion of the student's instructional day
    > The program involves periods of instruction during which only one language is used
    > Both native English speakers and native speakers of the target language are participants
    > The students are integrated for most content language instruction