- Edison Language Academy
- School Site Council
School Site Council
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School Site Council
The Edison School Site Council is an elected body of staff and parents who represent the stakeholders of the Edison Language Academy. The goals and objectives of the School Site Council are to:
- Gather input from all stakeholders using an annual family survey, town hall meetings, receiving reports from parent advisory groups and faculty, reviewing district goals and priorities, and studying student achievement data.
- Develop the annual Single Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA);
- Make decisions about how to use discretionary funds to support SPSA goals;
- Monitor implementation of the SPSA, review achievement results, and adjust goals and strategies as needed to further the overall progress of the school.
- Review and approve the Comprehensive School Safety Plan;
- Ensure that the school engages in ongoing long-range planning, using a shared decision-making process; and
- Carry out all the duties and responsibilities assigned to School Site Councils through the Education Code of the State of California.
The Council meets monthly while school is in session from 4:00-6:00 p.m in the Edison Community Room. Elections are held in November of each year, and members take office in January of the following year. Any parent or staff member is welcome to attend as an observer or to address the Council during public comment time. Agendas and minutes are available in the school office and on the school website. For more information, contact Principal Elizabeth Ipiña.