
  • Science 6
    Science 6 is an earth science course that follows the California standards for 6th grade science. This hands-on course allows students to experiment with and explore different aspects of earth science and introduces them to scientific concepts. Students also attend Astrocamp, a 2-night 3-day trip to Idyllwild where they explore the concepts they have learned throughout the year.

    Science 7
    This is a life science course based on the California standards and uses the Prentice Hall course book. Students learn about the life needs and activities of cells, animals and the human body. Students also study the scientific method and metrics. The course includes laboratory work, drawings, dissections and projects.

    Science 8
    This physical science course follows the California standards for 8th grade science. The focus is on Physics and Chemistry and is a math-based course that allows students to understand the link between math and science.