Communication Between Home and School

  • Franklin PTA sends e-blasts after school on Fridays and additional communications from Room Parents. Community flyers are available on the rack at the Franklin Front Office.

    Communication Between Home and School: We believe that a positive relationship between home and school is a major factor in student success. Regular, effective communication is crucial to maintaining that relationship. The Franklin staff and the PTA use letters, flyers, email, the monthly Bolt Newsletter and our websites to convey information, ideas and concerns to the parent community.

    The school has scheduled regular opportunities throughout the year for parents and teachers to communicate. At Back-To-School-Nights in September, teachers explain their classroom procedures and academic program. In November, individual parent-teacher conferences are scheduled. This is an important time to learn more about your child's progress in school. Open House is scheduled in early May and provides an opportunity for families to visit the classrooms and enjoy completed projects and those in progress. Report cards are sent home in February and June, and these also provide information about academic and social growth.

    There may be other times throughout the year when you have questions about your child's school experience. Contacting your child's teacher is an all important first step. At Back-To-School-Night, teachers will tell you the best way to communicate with them. Some prefer written notes, while others take phone calls at certain times of the day. If you would like, you may leave a message for an individual teacher on Franklin's voice mail system. If your situation requires a conference, please be considerate of the teacher's schedule and time. Please do not expect teachers to conference on the spot unless you have an emergency situation. If there are issues that cannot be resolved during your conference, you or the teacher may request a follow-up conference with either the assistant principal or the principal.

    If you need to contact your child during the school day, you may leave a message for your child with the teacher via Franklin's voice mail system. If you prefer, you may write a note and deliver it to the Franklin office staff. They will then place the note in the teacher's box.

    Ways to Explore your Child's Classroom Progress:

    1. Back-to-School Night (August) - teachers explain their classroom procedures and academic program to parents only. Your child's teacher will inform you how he/she wishes to be contacted.
    2. Parent-Teacher Conferences (November) - teachers schedule individual conferences to inform parents about their child's progress in school for all grade levels.
    3. Open House (May) - an opportunity for families to visit the classrooms and enjoy ongoing and completed student work.
    4. Standards-Based Report Card (January and June) - provide information about your child's academic and social growth.
    5. Teacher meetings – District policy stipulates that a parent requesting a meeting with a teacher send a written notice 24 hours prior.
    6. Classroom observation – District policy stipulates that parents who wish to observe their child's classroom submit their request to the front office 24 hours in advance. All classroom observations are limited to twenty minutes in length.
    7. Classroom telephones - are for teachers' use only. Students may use these phones with permission, for an emergency only. Students may not use these phones to make arrangements for after-school activities, delivery of books, instruments, homework, etc.